If you want people to listen to an mp3 or some other audio format, but need to hide it so that it can't be downloaded, don't do it like this:
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Info
10 3.226133 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx HTTP GET /audio/one-day-as-a-lion-wild_international.mp3 HTTP/1.1
Frame 10 (803 bytes on wire, 803 bytes captured)
Ethernet II, Src: Apple_c5:69:76 (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx), Dst: Pni_21:32:01 (00:0c:10:21:32:01)
Internet Protocol, Src: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), Dst: (
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 54728 (54728), Dst Port: http (80), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 737
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
GET /audio/one-day-as-a-lion-wild_international.mp3 HTTP/1.1\r\n
Request Method: GET
Request URI: /audio/one-day-as-a-lion-wild_international.mp3
Request Version: HTTP/1.1
Referer: http://www.okayplayer.com/component/option,com_myblog/show,Audio-One-Day-As-A-Lion-Wild-International-.html/Itemid,140/\r\n
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.2 Safari/525.20.1\r\n
Accept: */*\r\n
Accept-Language: en-us\r\n
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n
Cookie: __qca=1216283565-53773085-91470207; __qcb=397966741; __utma=132546704.1432803422.1216283568.1216283568.1216283568.1; __utmb=132546704; __utmc=132546704; __utmz=132546704.1216283568.1.1.utmccn=(referral)|utmcsr=reddit.com|utmcct=/r/
Connection: keep-alive\r\n
Host: blogs.okayplayer.com\r\n
From this data taken from a packet sniffer, it is fairly easy to see that the flash player (from
here) is accessing the url http://blogs.okayplayer.com/audio/one-day-as-a-lion-wild_international.mp3